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 Quality Management System

The GREEN PACK’s Quality Management System (QMS) is a comprehensive set of policies, processes, and procedures that show our commitment to the highest quality possible in all GREEN PACK products and services. It enables us to "build quality into" the products, rather than merely "inspect for quality" after the products are developed. The GREEN PACK QMS ensures that we appropriately manage and control all activities associated with product quality, including:
  • Design
  • Purchasing
  • Manufacturing
  • Quality Control
  • Production
  • Handling
  • Storage
  • Shipping/ Transporting
  • Servicing
The GREEN PACK QMS complies with the international standards ISO 9001:2000. It is divided into several sections, each one containing explicit procedures and processes to follow to maintain the quality of our products and services. They provide benchmarks for our current operations, and serve as the means to expand and improve future operations.

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Management Responsibility

Our executive management is ultimately responsible for establishing and enforcing the GREEN PACK QMS. They communicate its goals and importance to the GREEN PACK staff, establish the quality policy and our quality objectives, review and revise the GREEN PACK QMS, and provide the resources necessary to uphold the standards set in place.

Resource Management

The GREEN PACK QMS provides for the acquisition and distribution of the resources (people, suppliers, information, work environment, etc.) needed to produce our software and services at the highest possible levels of quality and customer satisfaction. This also applies to personnel training in individual disciplines and QMS policies. GREEN PACK employees know the importance of their activities, and how they help to achieve the corporate quality objectives.

Product Realization

To ensure that GREEN PACK’s products meet development and market expectations, the Sales and Technical Support departments contribute product input through customer suggestions and feedback, industry research, and hardware and software capabilities. The Technical Manager reviews the design outputs, determines their compatibility with customer requirements, and evaluates the impact of all potential changes on the project. All products are verified by Development against the product specifications, and validated by Quality Assurance. (In some cases, customer feedback may be requested as part of validation efforts.)

Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement

The GREEN PACK QMS establishes a corporate-wide philosophy of continual improvement. The GREEN PACK quality policy and quality objectives drive our improvement efforts. We can determine areas for improvement by analyzing past performance data and customer feedback. We investigate the causes of nonconformities and take appropriate actions to ensure that they do not recur. All preventive and corrective actions are recorded and stored for future reference.
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